On Sunday, the Nepse index reached a high of 2900 points and set a new all-time high record.  On this day, the transaction amount along with Nepse has also set a new record.On the first trading day of the year, the Nepse index has increased by 50.13 points and reached 2906.89 points.  This is the highest point so far.  Earlier, Nepse had set a new record on the last trading day of last year.  Breaking that record, Nepse has set a new record on this day.Along with Nepse, Sensitive, Float and Sensitive Float Index have also set a new all-time high record on this day.  The Sensitive Index rose 7.88 points to 520.99.  Similarly, the float index rose 4.11 points to 201.35 points and the sensitive float index rose 3.42 points to 172.81 points.The highest amount of shares was bought and sold in the market on Sunday.  A total of 374.55 million shares worth Rs 17.27 billion have been traded in 171,060 transactions of 218 companies on this day.